Monday, October 12, 2009

Nous parlons Français ici!

So what do they speak in Senegal? Lucky for me one of the main languages spoken there is French. So I will be dusting off my high school French and brushing up on my grammar. It won't be as easy for Scott but he is very gung-ho and will be learning French with the aid of Rosetta Stone.
From everything I've read you really can not get by with English so if we want to get anything done we will have to be able to communicate in French. It should be interesting for the children too. I'm sure it will seem strange at first but kids are so resilient at a young age, I'm sure they'll pick it up quickly if it means being able to make friends more quickly.
The local language is Wolof. That is far more interesting to me and I will be looking into possibly taking language lessons once we get there, to learn to speak it. But for now we concentrate on French.
Merci et au revoir.


  1. Bonjour Siempie,

    Je love ton blog de Senegal. Ou sont mes livres de Francais? Papa fume un pipe!

    A bientôt!
